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Post name -
Department name -
Total vacant post -Total ( ), Unreserved ( ), ST ( ), SC ( ), OBC ( ), General ( )
Qualification -
Salary -
Grad pay -
Allowance -
Exams fees -
Salary Structure -Yearly 10% Growth in basic salary(70%,80%,90%)
State -
Notification Date -
Last Date -
Official Website -
Official language -Hindi, English & Basic Languages.
Working Time -
Passing numbers -
Physical Date -
Medical Date -
Category -
Age limit -
Jobs site -All
Application process - Online / Offline
State - Chhattishgarh / Madhya Pradesh / All state / All Districts
Pansion -
Selection process - ऑनलाइन परीक्षा ( ✓), कौशल परीक्षा (✓), शारीरिक मापदंड (×), Documents verification (✓)
Exams date -
Age relaxation -
Allowance - महंगाई भत्ता ( ), परिवहन भत्ता( ) , किराया भत्ता ( )
Benifits - 1. मेडिकल भत्ता ( ),2. रिस्क भत्ता ( ),3. यात्रा भत्ता ( ), 4. फील्ड भत्ता ( ), 5. Family Health, 6. DA, 7. Home Allowance, 8 . Rent Allowance, 9. HRA, 10. Cleaning Allowance,11. Special Allowance, 12. Property Damage Allowance ,13. EPF ,14. TDS , & Others allowance( )
Ability -Computer Basic Knowledge
Notification status -Published / Unpublished
Exams Subjects -1. Hindi , 2. English, 3. Mathmatics , 4. social science, 5. Current Affairs, 6. Reasoning, 7. Grammar, 8. Science & Others Basic Subjects.
Admit card -
Physical & Medical Standard - Hight,Chest, Eyes,All Body important Part Measuring ( )
Results -
Documents - 10वीं / 12वीं 2. पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो 3. निवास प्रमाण पत्र 4.जाति प्रमाण पत्र 5.रोजगार पंजीयन 6.जन्म तिथि प्रमाण पत्र 7.पहचान पत्र 8. हस्ताक्षर 9.अन्य दस्तावेज 10. मेडिकल बोर्ड हेल्थ सर्टिफिकेट,11. वोटर कार्ड 12. Aadhar Card, 13. PAN Card & Others Certificate
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Post name -
Department name -
Total vacant post -Total ( ) , Unreserved( ) ,ST ( ) , SC ( ) , OBC ( ) , General ( )
Qualification -
Salary -
Grad pay -
Allowance -
Exams fees -
Salary Structure -Yearly 10% growth in basic salary(70%,80%,90%)
State -
Notification date -
Last date -
Official website -
Official language -Hindi, English & Basic Languages.
Working Time -
Passing numbers -
Physical date -
Medical date -
Category -
Age limit -
Jobs site -
Application process -
State -
Pansion -
Selection process - ऑनलाइन परीक्षा ( ✓), कौशल परीक्षा (✓), शारीरिक मापदंड (×), Documents verification (✓)
Exams date -
Age relaxation -
Allowance - महंगाई भत्ता ( ), परिवहन भत्ता ( ) , किराया भत्ता ( ),
Benifits -मेडिकल भत्ता ( ),रिस्क भत्ता ( ),यात्रा भत्ता ( ), फील्ड भत्ता ( ) Family Health, DA,Home Allowance, Rent Allowance, Transportation Allowance, HRA, Medical Allowance, Cleaning Allowance, Special Allowance, Property Damage Allowance, Risk Allowance ,EPF ,TDS , & Others allowance.
Ability -
Notification status -
Exams Subjects - Hindi , English, Mathmatics , social science, Current Affairs, Reasoning, Grammar, Science & Others Basic Subjects.
Admit card -
Physical & Medical Standard -Hight,Chest, Eyes,All Body Part Measuring ( )
Results -
Documents -1.10वीं / 12वीं 2. पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो 3. निवास प्रमाण पत्र 4.जाति प्रमाण पत्र 5.रोजगार पंजीयन 6.जन्म तिथि प्रमाण पत्र 7.पहचान पत्र 8. हस्ताक्षर 9.अन्य दस्तावेज 10. मेडिकल बोर्ड हेल्थ सर्टिफिकेट ( Birth Certificate, Cast Certificate, Resident Certificate, Aadhar Card,PAN Card,voter ID , Health Card , employment registration certificate, Passport Size Photo, Identity Certificate, Signature,10th,12th & Other Marksheet)
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